Review of Ezra

  1. 1. Because of opposition, the ___ on the house of God stops (4:24)
  2. 5. The sin of the people by marrying ___ women (10:2)
  3. 6. The LORD turns the ___ of the king of Assyria to them (6:22)
  4. 8. The ___ of the LORD is on Ezra (7:6)
  5. 9. Ezra’s immediate response to hearing of the people’s sin is to ___ (10:1)
  6. 12. The priest who helps Zerubbabel (5:2)
  7. 13. The returned exiles celebrate this (6:19)
  8. 19. The term for those taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar (2:1)
  9. 20. Heads of families make ___ offerings for the house of God (2:68)
  10. 21. The type of offering the people give (10:19)
  11. 22. The king of Persia whose spirit the LORD stirs up (1:1)
  12. 24. At the completion of the foundation, the people sing and give ___ (3:11)
  13. 26. Ezra studies and obeys this (7:10)
  14. 28. They supervise the work of the house of the LORD (3:8)
  15. 30. The scribe for whom this book is named (7:6)
  16. 31. The opposition misleads the king by suggesting the Jews won’t pay this (4:13)
  17. 32. He allows any Jew to go with Ezra to Jerusalem (7:12-13)
  18. 34. He leads the first group of exiles (2:1-2)
  1. 2. The people tremble because of their sin and heavy ___ (10:9)
  2. 3. The people celebrate the temple dedication with ___ (6:16)
  3. 4. Babylonian king who carries Jews into captivity (2:1)
  4. 7. Persian king who decrees harm to any king who would destroy the house of God (6:12)
  5. 10. He, along with Zechariah, prophesy to the Jews (5:1)
  6. 11. The people’s response to Ezra’s confession (10:1)
  7. 14. They take an oath to obey what has been suggested (10:5)
  8. 15. What God is showing the Jews by leaving a remnant (9:8)
  9. 16. The ___ of their God is on the elders of the Jews (5:5)
  10. 17. Vessels of ___ and silver are returned to Jerusalem (1:11)
  11. 18. The LORD’s house is in this city (1:2)
  12. 20. This is proclaimed so that the Jews in humility might seek a safe journey (8:21)
  13. 23. God extends steadfast ___ to His people (9:9)
  14. 25. Ezra sits ___ because of the faithlessness of the returned exiles (9:4)
  15. 27. Cyrus issues this so that the house of God can be rebuilt (6:3)
  16. 28. The Passover ___ is slaughtered for all the returned exiles (6:20)
  17. 29. This is built first so the Israelites can offer burnt offerings (3:2)
  18. 33. Beyond the ___ (5:6)