Review of Genesis 6-22, Abraham 1-2

  1. 3. Sarah ____________ when she overheard the holy men pronounced that she was going to have a baby. (Gen. 18:13)
  2. 5. The first birds Noah sent from the ark were a __________ and a dove. (Gen. 8:7)
  3. 8. The total number of people in the ark was ______________. (Gen. 7:13)
  4. 12. An angel of the Lord spoke to Hagar and told her not to worry, that the Lord would take care of her and her son and make him a great _____________. (Gen. 21:18)
  5. 14. Lot lived in the city of __________. (Gen. 19:1)
  6. 15. The wicked men of Sodom were made__________ by the holy men so they were unable to find Lot’s door. (Gen. 19:11)
  7. 16. Abraham was from the land of ______ of the Chaldees. (Abr. 1:20)
  8. 19. God changed Abram’s name to _____________. (Gen. 17:5)
  9. 21. Sarai didn’t have any ______________. (Gen. 11:30)
  10. 23. Sarah and Abraham were told their son’s name would be _________ (Gen. 17:19)
  11. 25. Only Lot, his wife and two _____________ escaped the city. (Gen. 19:15)
  12. 26. Sarah was promised that she would bear a _______ and be a mother of nations. (Gen. 17:16)
  13. 28. ____________ was Hagar’s son. (Gen. 16:11)
  14. 30. In Noah’s time, “the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with _______________. (Gen. 6:11)
  15. 31. The Lord told Abraham to ______________ his son, Isaac. (Gen. 22:2)
  1. 1. Abraham was _______ hundred years old when he had Isaac. (Gen. 21:5)
  2. 2. The dove returned with an ____________ leaf in its mouth. (Gen. 8:11)
  3. 4. Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of ____________. (Gen. 19:26)
  4. 6. God told Abraham that he would be the father of many ___________. (Gen. 16:4)
  5. 7. Through [Abraham’s] seed shall all the families of the earth be ____________. (Abr. 2:11)
  6. 9. “Is anything too _______ for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14)
  7. 10. The Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with ____________ and brimstone. (Gen. 19:24)
  8. 11. After the angel stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, Abraham saw a _________ caught in some bushes. (Gen. 22:13)
  9. 13. When Abraham and Sarai went into the land of Canaan, the Lord told him to tell the king that Sarai was his _______________. (Abr. 2:25)
  10. 17. The symbol the Lord gave Noah that He would never cause another flood was a ___________ . (Gen. 9:13-14)
  11. 18. ___________ was Sarai’s handmaiden. (Gen. 16:1)
  12. 20. Noah was ___________ hundred and fifty years old when he died. (Gen. 9:29)
  13. 22. The holy men told Lot he and his family had to leave the city because it was going to be ____________. (Gen. 19:13)
  14. 24. Sarai’s name was changed to _________. (Gen. 17:15)
  15. 27. A token of the covenant that God made with Abraham was that every male child when _________ days old would be circumcised. (Gen. 17:12)
  16. 29. Lot was Abraham’s ______________. (Abr. 2:15)
  17. 32. Sarah became jealous of Hagar and told Abraham to “________ her out.” (Gen. 21:10)