Review of Naturalization Test Questions

  1. 3. Capital of the United States
  2. 6. Ocean on the west coast of the United States
  3. 11. The name of our national anthem
  4. 14. Current President of the United States (last name only)
  5. 15. Capital of Oklahoma
  6. 16. "Supreme Law of the Land"
  1. 1. What we call the first ten amendments
  2. 2. One of the longest rivers in the United States (if the one you chose doesn't fit, try the other river)
  3. 4. Author of the Declaration of Independence (last name only)
  4. 5. The U.S. war between the northern and southern states
  5. 7. Ocean on the east coast of the United States
  6. 8. Who takes over for the president if they cannot serve
  7. 9. Month we vote for president
  8. 10. "Father of our Country", first president of the United States (last name only)
  9. 12. We elect a U.S. senator for how many years
  10. 13. Number of Supreme Court Justices