Review of theories of development

  1. 6. Operant conditioning, reinforcement.
  2. 11. see people as good, self-directed and growth oriented.
  3. 12. discovered classical condition using dogs.
  4. 13. Bronfenbrenner's ______approach to development
  5. 14. Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development
  6. 15. Radical behaviorist, "little albert" experiment
  7. 16. Bronfenbrenner's most immediate context of development
  8. 17. father of evolution, natural selection. evolutionary developmental psychology studies the adaptive value of change in mental and psychological traits.
  9. 18. emphasizes the study of observable behavior.
  10. 19. outlined four stages of cognitive development.
  1. 1. Social Learning theories, Bobo doll.
  2. 2. a shared set of beliefs, behaviors, customs, norms.
  3. 3. Freud's theory of personality
  4. 4. Erikson's ______stages of personality development
  5. 5. Socioeconomic status
  6. 7. believe we are a blank slate; knowledge comes through the experience with the environment.
  7. 8. Bronfenbrenner's time element in development.
  8. 9. believe with innate knowledge
  9. 10. outlined stages of moral reasoning.
  10. 12. body/brain shaped by environment