Review Olympics

  1. 4. this type of hallucination is the most worrisome
  2. 6. a legal term related to the degree of mental soundness a person has to make decisions or to carry out specific acts.
  3. 7. Picking at skin to the point of damage
  4. 8. this type of anxiety occurs in normal everyday living and allows an individual to perceive reality in sharp focus
  5. 9. hair pulling
  6. 11. Avoid tyramine-containing foods with this medication
  7. 12. feeling of being an observer of one's own body or mental processes
  8. 15. Gives the patient the choice on when to take their colace
  9. 16. Donepezil can be given to individuals with this diagnosis
  10. 17. A patient that court-ordered to the inpatient facility is considered a ________ committal
  11. 19. a person with this diagnosis can be seen in metabolic alkalosis
  12. 20. Nurse provides an equal amount of time with all of her patients
  1. 1. A nurse administers pain medication for a patient that is having pain
  2. 2. recurring feeling that one's surroundings are unreal or distant
  3. 3. A pregnancy test, LFTs & CBC need to be obtained prior to administering this medication
  4. 4. Person's ability to make an informed decision
  5. 5. Educating the patient and family about medication side effects before administering
  6. 10. Keeping a scheduled appointment with a patient
  7. 13. tardive dyskinesia and parkinsonism are examples of this
  8. 14. this defense mechanism is often shown in those with borderline personality disorder
  9. 18. Withholding a dose of narcotic pain medication when the patient is showing signs of respiratory depression