Review: The Respiratory System

  1. 1. These cells make mucus.
  2. 4. A large ______ ____ provides a large space for gas exchange to happen.
  3. 8. Carries air into the left and right lungs.
  4. 11. A cancer causing chemical.
  5. 13. These can irritate the airways and cause infections, found in cigarette smoke.
  6. 16. Black, sticky carcinogenics substance in cigarette smoke.
  7. 17. A concentration _______ is maintained for fast diffusion.
  8. 18. Breathing out.
  9. 19. Faster and _____ breathing is needed during exercise.
  10. 21. These provide the lungs with good blood supply.
  11. 22. Traps dust and bacteria in the airways.
  1. 2. Carries air from your mouth into the lungs.
  2. 3. A gas that binds with haemoglobin in RBCs, preventing carrying around oxygen.
  3. 5. The structures on ciliated epithelial cells that sweep mucus.
  4. 6. Where gas exchange takes place in the lungs.
  5. 7. _______ can be used to test CO2 in expired air.
  6. 9. A very addictive drug in cigarettes
  7. 10. _____ surfaces allow gases to dissolve before diffusion.
  8. 12. The smaller airways in the lungs.
  9. 14. Breathing in.
  10. 15. T___ w____ provide a short distance for gases to diffuse.
  11. 20. Produces vibrations and sound.