Reviewing the Media

  1. 2. Designates a time period when racism is no longer institutionalized
  2. 4. Author of ‘The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere’
  3. 8. Publisher of the first newspaper in the colonies
  4. 9. Invented the World Wide Web
  5. 11. First African American president
  6. 13. Served as the first president of the US National Association of Black Journalists.
  7. 14. Brown vs Board of <blank>
  8. 16. First YouTube video
  9. 17. Arrest sparked the Montgomery bus boycott.
  10. 18. Recorded the police assaulting Rodney King.
  11. 19. Type of opinion that is not based on reason or experience
  1. 1. Twitter co-founder that sent out the first Twitter message
  2. 3. Amendment number that abolished slavery.
  3. 5. First US president to appear on television
  4. 6. The first Black-owned and operated newspaper in the US
  5. 7. Number of southern states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America
  6. 10. Indian American 2014 Miss America Pageant winner.
  7. 12. Emerged as leader of the Montgomery bus boycott.
  8. 15. Comprise a combination of overgeneralized beliefs, biased impressions, and popular perception.