REVISED Gen-Z Slang Crossword Puzzle
- 1. exclamation/ can get snatched off your head when something blows you away
- 2. a cringe exclamation for a powerful throw
- 4. an instant turnoff. Making you hate the idea of being with someone romantically
- 5. an aesthetic that is ironically trendy.
- 6. examining a mood or feeling radiating from something/someone.
- 9. when youre jealous or mildly ticked off
- 12. politically aware
- 14. A word to use when you taste something delicious.
- 15. a makeover or transformation from bad to good
- 17. exclamation for “Cool!” or “I’m down!”
- 18. exclamation when you make a mistake or in response to someone else making one.
- 21. Exclamation for when the wind gets knocked out of you in roblox
- 22. Spaghetti
- 23. Someone/something that is cool and/or speaks the truth.
- 26. to lie/ be untruthful
- 27. someone who looks so good you could eat them up
- 29. cool sexy outfit
- 30. Labeling something as average or poor quality.
- 1. another word for a car
- 3. Some super hot gossip you need to spill.
- 5. A social practice used to shun public figures/ companies as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure
- 7. Word to call a close friend or a complete stranger on the internet.
- 8. a customer who behaves erratically when they dont get what they want. Is generally characterized as a middle aged white woman with short ear-length hair.
- 10. the opposite of trendy
- 11. an exclamation uttered when grabbing an object
- 13. opposite of low-key
- 16. quietly disappearing from people on the internet by not responding to their messages.
- 17. a good song or beat
- 19. A word used to indicate excitement or an epic moment.
- 20. a bimbo but a guy
- 22. Among Us bean caught venting
- 24. totally serious
- 25. A term used to describe someone or something in a positive manner. Looking good and on point.
- 28. A child who was so intensely focused on the iPad their parents gave them.
- 30. abbreviation for a very sexy mom