
  1. 3. Group one metals are also called the _____ metals.
  2. 9. Non-metals gain electrons to form _____ ions.
  3. 11. Horizontal rows in the Periodic Table.
  4. 12. Vertical columns in the Periodic Table.
  5. 13. Elements in the same group all have similar chemical _______.
  6. 15. The group number tells you how many ______ are in the outer shell.
  7. 16. This halogen is a green gas.
  1. 1. Mendeleev sorted his periodic table by Atomic ____.
  2. 2. Group 7 are also called the ______.
  3. 4. The melting point of group 1 metals _____ as you go down the group.
  4. 5. This halogen is a red liquid.
  5. 6. Mendeleev left ____ in his periodic table, for undiscovered elements.
  6. 7. Alkali metals react violently with ____, often with a coloured flame.
  7. 8. Non-metals are found on the ____ side of the Periodic Table.
  8. 10. Metals can conduct ______.
  9. 14. These form positive ions.