Revision Crossword
- 2. beyond the border of a state
- 5. a place to swim in
- 6. an appliance in windows to keep the sun out
- 8. people from Denmark
- 10. a place to play football at
- 11. people from Wales
- 14. historical landmarks
- 16. a place to play field hockey at
- 18. = docela
- 19. without a job
- 20. a place to play ice hockey at
- 23. a place on a road where you have to drive in a circle
- 24. loose fabric around windows to keep the sun out
- 25. not strong
- 27. people from Portugal
- 28. a place to play tennis at
- 29. a way of finishing an email
- 1. having a nice temperature (not cold, not hot)
- 3. furniture used for storing books
- 4. filled to the top
- 7. walking around historical landmarks
- 8. not wet
- 9. people from Norway
- 12. an important travel document
- 13. having the 'room temperature'
- 15. furniture used for storing clothes
- 17. people from the Netherlands
- 21. a place to stay on vacation (e.g. a hotel)
- 22. not dry
- 24. having a low price
- 26. not loud
- 28. a place to play golf at