Revolutionary Characters
- 4. John Adam's career choice
- 6. location that northern states wanted capital
- 7. "The Indispensable Man"
- 9. revolutionary, believed he was underrated, neglected
- 12. father of the Bill of Rights
- 13. Hamilton's way of gaining support
- 14. type of government Paine supported
- 16. America's first secretary of treasury
- 17. cruel use of power
- 18. Alexander Hamilton's wife (last name)
- 19. pseudonym the authors of Federalist papers use
- 1. richest colony turned state 1776
- 2. River on which southern states wanted capital
- 3. Hamilton's rank in NY artillery
- 5. war that Paine served in
- 8. reserved, self-possessed, and incurably optimistic
- 10. Connecticut Compromise allowed each state two ___________
- 11. inherited property by eldest son
- 15. location that middle states wanted capital
- 20. Third Vice President of US