Riddles #1
- 2. Always on the ground but never gets dirty.
- 5. When a door no longer a door.
- 6. Has many teeth but cannot bite.
- 7. Is full of holes but still holds water.
- 10. Has a neck but no head.
- 13. Kind of tree can you carry in your hand.
- 14. What can you catch but never throw?
- 15. Building with the most stories.
- 17. Tastes better than it smells.
- 20. Easy to lift, but hard to throw.
- 21. What is the longest word in the dictionary?
- 1. Has many keys but cannot open a single lock.
- 3. What can you put into a bucket so it weighs less?
- 4. When today can come before yesterday.
- 8. Travels around the world without leaving the corner.
- 9. Gets shorter as it grows older.
- 11. Type of cheese that is made backwards.
- 12. Has three feet but cannot walk.
- 16. Starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it.
- 18. truck Has four wheels and flies.
- 19. Throw a blue stone into the Red Sea, what will it become?