
  1. 4. what can you catch but cant throw
  2. 5. what has more than 88 keys but cant open a single door
  3. 7. What has tongue but can't talk?
  4. 8. what can be opened but cant be closed
  5. 9. what is clean when its black and dirty when its white
  6. 12. what does not live but can die?
  7. 13. What gets served but never eaten
  8. 14. what has 13 hearts but no other organ
  9. 15. What has an eye but no head?
  10. 16. what has words but cant speak
  1. 1. what is broken when you speak
  2. 2. What two things can you never eat for breakfast
  3. 3. What will die if it drinks water?
  4. 6. What has teeth but Cannot bite?
  5. 7. what has no head but has a neck
  6. 10. people buy me to eat but never eat me
  7. 11. what is a room that you cant enter