Riddles and More

  1. 3. what has 13 hearts but no organs
  2. 6. I can fly but I have no wings I can cry but I have no eyes
  3. 7. what has many keys but cant open any door
  4. 9. what begins with an E and contains one letter
  5. 10. what has a head and a tale and no arms or legs and isn't alive
  1. 1. I have no legs I will never walk but always run
  2. 2. what runs but never gets tired
  3. 3. what has hands but cant clap
  4. 4. ill follow you all the time and copy your every move but you cant touch me or catch me
  5. 5. I can be hot I can be cold I can run and I can be still I can be hard and I can be soft
  6. 6. what has many ears but can not hear
  7. 8. what can you catch but cant throw