Risk Factors and Symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 1. T1 presenting factor, increased thirst
  2. 3. T1 presenting factor, increased frequency of urination
  3. 5. an example of an environmental risk factor for T2 diabetes referring the BMI of the individual
  4. 7. environmental factor which is considered a risk factor for T2 diabetes, an example of where this has been particularly influential would be in India and relates to movement of people and changes in society
  5. 9. In the general population this contributes a 0.2-1% risk of developing T1 diabetes, inherited
  6. 10. type of twin where the presence of T1 diabetes in one can be linked with an up to 70% increased genetic risk of it developing in the other
  7. 11. (two words) the type of destruction of beta cells of the pancreas which causes T1 diabetes
  8. 12. period in time during which insulin resistence, such as due to obesity or puberty, can increase the risk of T1 diabetes developing at the later stage as per the accelerator hypothesis
  9. 13. 30% of patients diagnosed with T2 present in this way - have no symptoms directly linked to hyperglycaemia
  10. 14. higher birth order and gestational infections are examples of this environmental T1 risk factor
  11. 15. environmental … such as allowance, steptozocin, vacor which are T1 risk factors
  1. 1. Excessive amounts in the diet has been linked to increased risk of T1 diabetes, although the mechanism for this is unclear
  2. 2. these stresses can cause an increased risk of T1 diabetes due to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and immune system
  3. 4. Failure of these processes in T1 diabetes leads to a range of different symptoms people can present with including extreme fatigue, muscle wasting through protein breakdown, weight loss
  4. 6. Grouping of symptoms which would include things such as thirst, polyuria, nocturnal, blurred vision - all of which may be presenting features of undiagnosed diabetes
  5. 7. term used to describe risk factors of T2 diabetes such as family history, age, ethnicity, birth weight and fetal nutrition - things that the person cannot change
  6. 8. acute medical situation where there is an toxic over production of ketone bodies affecting the pH of the blood