
  1. 5. This feature can be found at the bottom of a waterfall.
  2. 8. This is the word for the material carried by the river.
  3. 10. This is how a river carries material as it floats.
  4. 13. This is an area of fertile land caused by the river flooding.
  5. 14. This process erodes through the compression of air in the joints of rocks.
  6. 15. This feature forms where the river loses energy as the water meets the sea, thus sediment is deposited.
  7. 16. This is the name given to the fastest flow of the river.
  8. 17. This is the end of the river.
  9. 18. This is the start of the river.
  10. 19. The energy of the river can also remove material. This process is called...
  11. 21. This feature forms on the banks of the river and is built following an episode of flooding.
  12. 22. This is a small river that flows into the main river.
  13. 23. This is the catchment area for all of the rainfall.
  1. 1. This feature forms on the outside bend of a river as the energy of the river erodes the bank.
  2. 2. The energy within the water carries material, this process is called...
  3. 3. This feature forms where a meander is eroded to the point where the river floods and the river straightens.
  4. 4. This word describes the speed of the river.
  5. 6. Is the hydrological cycle open or closed?
  6. 7. This is the point at which a smaller river flows into the main river.
  7. 9. The river carries material and where the energy decreases the material is dropped. This process is called...
  8. 11. Dams, artificial levees, etc can be described as what type of engineering?
  9. 12. These features can be found in the upper course of the river and look like the valley acting as a zip-locker.
  10. 20. The feature found usually in the middle course of the river that shows a winding pattern.