Road To Success

  1. 2. Way of life, beliefs, values
  2. 4. Triangle of business _______; ended; barrier; concluded
  3. 7. With This: ____ Handbook
  4. 9. The triangle never _____, it is continual
  5. 10. Does everyone ____?
  6. 11. You have to ____ 100%, know 100%, achieve 100%
  7. 12. Do This: Shop Tour ____
  8. 15. Answerable
  9. 16. POP Every transaction must turn one
  10. 18. Something to believe in, something special to be a part of
  11. 19. POP Objective and measurable ____
  1. 1. the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  2. 2. Part of CCFF
  3. 3. POP People are your most important ___
  4. 5. The imparting or exchanging of information
  5. 6. Customer ____ is really 3 people
  6. 8. Have we all ____?
  7. 13. Customer is ____
  8. 14. The ____ of Business
  9. 15. We are ___ a part of the triangle
  10. 17. This Way: Shop Work ____
  11. 20. confidence, belief, faith, certainty, assurance, conviction, credence; reliance