Roberson Chapter 7

  1. 1. Sheppard v._______
  2. 4. A criminal trial should be open to the _______.
  3. 7. ______ v. Louisiana opinion directed criticism of law enforcement officers.
  4. 8. Replacement juror
  5. 10. Justice William ___
  6. 12. _______ of the press
  7. 14. ______ trial is a trial by judge alone.
  8. 16. Justice Sandra Day ________
  1. 2. ________ New Jersey
  2. 3. United States v. ________ held that lie detector test results were not admissible.
  3. 4. States not required to provide jury trial in cases involving _______ offenses.
  4. 5. Justice Harry ________
  5. 6. A ___ order may be issued by trial judge.
  6. 9. ________ v. Louisiana concerned the right to a jury trial.
  7. 11. The public has a right of _______ to a criminal trial.
  8. 13. ________ Newspapers v. Virginia
  9. 15. ______ v. Alabama