Rob’s Christmas Puzzle 2023

  1. 6. Who addresses the nation on Christmas Day?
  2. 7. What travelled a dusty road at Christmas?
  3. 9. What do you love to do after Dinner?
  4. 10. What type of cheese goes well with a sauce often enjoyed at Christmas?
  5. 11. What month is also a special little girl’s middle name?
  6. 13. What is the name of your daughter-in-law’s sister’s youngest child’s grandmother on her father’s side?
  7. 15. What sits in on a shelf in December?
  8. 17. What slang word for a drink do you love dearly?
  9. 19. Which little boy will be super excited on Christmas day?
  10. 22. Apart from being holy, what else was the night in the well known Christmas carol?
  11. 24. What do you like with a roast dinner that is unheard of in the UK!
  12. 25. What was Jesus away in?
  13. 29. What day is a dozen before Christmas?
  14. 31. What must you not add too much of to your Christmas dinner?
  15. 32. What plant is often associated with Christmas and very prescious to you?
  16. 33. What is your grandson’s middle name?
  17. 34. What can be hung that can also be worn?
  1. 1. What type of pie is often eaten at Christmas?
  2. 2. What would Louise like a never-ending supply of on Christmas Day?
  3. 3. What is the first word in the band’s name of Bev’s favourite Christmas album?
  4. 4. What vegetable would you least want to accompany your Christmas dinner?
  5. 5. What old-fashioned word is a synonym for Christmas?
  6. 8. What type of play is often performed at Christmas?
  7. 12. What is traditionally set alight on Christmas Day?
  8. 14. Who cooks the best roast dinner?
  9. 16. Name one meat you used to enjoy with your Christmas dinner?
  10. 18. The night before Christmas
  11. 20. What type of holiday is Christmas?
  12. 21. What plant would you kiss Bev under at Christmas?
  13. 23. Which of Father Christmas’s lists will you be on this year?
  14. 26. Where did you once sleep with Bruce on Christmas eve?
  15. 27. On whose grove will you be on Christmas Day?
  16. 28. What is your daughter-in-law’s maiden name?
  17. 30. What colour is often dreamt about at Christmas?