Rock Cycle and Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Formed in the interior of Earth
  2. 3. When one tectonic plate slides under another
  3. 8. An orderly arrangement of atoms and molecules with a specific shape determined by its chemical composition
  4. 10. An opening in Earth’s crust where lava, cinders, ash, and gases come to the surface
  5. 12. A rock that has changed from another rock because of heat, pressure, or a chemical reaction
  6. 14. (2 words) A theory that says Earth’s outer layers are made of moving plates
  7. 18. (2 words) Transformation that changes one type of rock into another
  8. 19. A section of Earth’s lithosphere
  9. 21. The heat transfer in a fluid in which hot fluid rises and cold fluid sinks, setting up a cycle
  10. 23. Molten rock under the surface of Earth
  11. 25. The fluid portion of the mantle that has special properties
  12. 26. Formed on the exterior of Earth
  1. 1. A fault where two plates slide past each other
  2. 4. A rock that forms when melted rock (magma or lava) hardens
  3. 5. Earth’s water, both in the seas and on land
  4. 6. The hard outer layer of Earth made of crust and hard, upper mantle; broken into tectonic plates
  5. 7. A sudden movement of plates within Earth’s crust
  6. 9. The layer of Earth below the crust; upper part is solid and lower part is semisolid
  7. 11. A scientist who studies earth
  8. 13. To come together
  9. 15. Molten rock on the surface of Earth
  10. 16. (2 words) Sections of the lithosphere that move on top of the fluid asthenosphere; composed of Earth’s crust and the hard top layer of the mantle
  11. 17. The rigid outer layer of earth
  12. 20. The air that surrounds earth
  13. 22. All the living things on earth
  14. 24. (2 words) The area along an edge of Earth’s plates