Rock Cycle Review

  1. 4. Lines present in the rock
  2. 5. Materials in sedimentary rocks prone to evaporation
  3. 12. Lines not present in rock; blurry
  4. 14. The thickness or thinness of a liquid
  5. 16. Heated material outside of the earth
  6. 18. Formed inside the earth
  7. 20. Heated material inside the earth
  8. 22. Regional metamorphism is caused by heat and ___
  1. 1. A well-known type of foliated rock
  2. 2. Molten rock comes in contact with older rock
  3. 3. The thickening agent of igneous rock
  4. 6. Reminants of organisms
  5. 7. Crystalline textures; precipitation of minerals
  6. 8. A vessel for intrusive rocks to be formed
  7. 9. caused by pressure and heat near plate tectonics
  8. 10. Low Viscosity, Low Silica; Magnesium, Iron
  9. 11. Outside the earth
  10. 13. Highest viscosity; Aluminium, Potassium
  11. 15. Fine-grained clastic sedimentary rock
  12. 17. Sedimentary rock used for oil
  13. 19. Carbon atom with 3 oxygen atoms and some other elements
  14. 21. Sedimentary rock with chunks in it