Roman Empire
- 3. Wealthy landowner; part of the first triumvirate.
- 5. Sea battle betwee Antony and Octavian.
- 6. Structure designed to bring fresh water into the cities.
- 7. Fortified city
- 12. Entertainment and free grain used to distract from poverty.
- 15. Official language of Rome; formed basis for "Romance languages".
- 16. First police force.
- 17. Self-governing communities of non-Romans.
- 20. Virtues including discipline, loyalty and strength.
- 21. Married Caesar's daughter Julia; part of the first triumvirate.
- 22. Marc Antony offered Caesar this gift at a festival.
- 23. Group believing that all men are equal by nature.
- 1. Pictures formed from small pieces of stone or glass.
- 2. Title preferred by Octavian; first citizen
- 4. Divided the empire into East and West.
- 8. Meaning "Victorious general"
- 9. Said he found Rome a city of brick, and left it a city of marble.
- 10. First emperor of Rome.
- 11. Egyptian Queen loved by both Caesar and Marc Antony.
- 13. Caesar started a civil war when he crossed this river.
- 14. Period of peace and prosperity in Rome.
- 18. Built as temple to the gods.
- 19. Wrote most famous work of Latin literature, the Aeneid.