Roman Empire
- 4. Stadium for visual entertainment
- 6. Roman author who wrote poetry
- 8. Famous Roman temple/catholic church. Later destroyed by a fire
- 10. Ceasar's Son
- 12. Richest man in Rome during first triumvirate
- 14. A way to transport water around Rome
- 15. Expanded Roman territory
- 1. vast and magnificent church
- 2. Augustus and Antony took all of his power. Member of second triumvirate
- 3. Roman author who wrote about philosophical, political treatises, etc
- 5. Rival with Augustus part of second triumvirate
- 7. Large brick walls created under Theodosius for protection
- 9. Time of Peace
- 11. Leader in the assassination of Ceasar
- 13. One of the members of the first triumvirate. Later became dictator