Roman Empire

  1. 4. Stadium for visual entertainment
  2. 6. Roman author who wrote poetry
  3. 8. Famous Roman temple/catholic church. Later destroyed by a fire
  4. 10. Ceasar's Son
  5. 12. Richest man in Rome during first triumvirate
  6. 14. A way to transport water around Rome
  7. 15. Expanded Roman territory
  1. 1. vast and magnificent church
  2. 2. Augustus and Antony took all of his power. Member of second triumvirate
  3. 3. Roman author who wrote about philosophical, political treatises, etc
  4. 5. Rival with Augustus part of second triumvirate
  5. 7. Large brick walls created under Theodosius for protection
  6. 9. Time of Peace
  7. 11. Leader in the assassination of Ceasar
  8. 13. One of the members of the first triumvirate. Later became dictator