Romans Chapters 9-12 Review

  1. 4. The epistle that we are reading
  2. 7. The commandments are summed up in this word: you shall love your ________ as yourself
  3. 10. Paul encourages us to be _________ to the governing authorities
  4. 12. If you give your enemy food or drink, it will be like heaving burning these on his head
  5. 14. In order to be saved, one of the things you must do is confess with your ________
  6. 17. In one body we have many ________
  7. 19. The name of our club (three words)
  8. 22. There is no distinction between Jew and ________, for the same Lord is Lord of all
  9. 23. Paul was burdened for this group of people
  10. 25. A picture used in Romans 11 used this kind of tree
  11. 26. Paul was a member of this tribe
  12. 32. The subject of the book of Romans (three words)
  13. 34. Some are of mercy and some are of wrath
  14. 35. Because we submit to authorities, we should pay these
  15. 36. The main thought in Romans chapter 11
  1. 1. Which of the following is NOT a gift mentioned in Romans 12: prophecy, service, singing, teaching, acts of mercy
  2. 2. ________ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes
  3. 3. Everyone who ________ on the name of the Lord shall be saved
  4. 4. The Lord bestows His ________ to all who call on Him
  5. 5. What we are required to go through in order to be part of the body of Christ
  6. 6. Cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of _________
  7. 8. The main thought in Romans chapter 12 (three words)
  8. 9. ________ is mine, I will repay, says the Lord
  9. 11. It was not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the ________
  10. 13. The name of our school (three words)
  11. 15. When we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, we make no ________ for the flesh
  12. 16. Because of the Jews' trespass, salvation has gone to the __________
  13. 18. This is the inferior side between the light side and the dark side (two words)
  14. 20. He was used as an example of a person God hardened
  15. 21. I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to ________ your bodies a living sacrifice
  16. 24. The name of the cutest baby in the world
  17. 27. Priscilla makes this food very well, and it will also be a featured food at Lemia’s wedding (two words)
  18. 28. God was likened to one of these who has absolute right in his sovereignty
  19. 29. One of the steps to be saved is that you must believe in your ________
  20. 30. Even though many in Israel rejected God, He preserved a ________
  21. 31. The pizza we bring to campus is usually from here
  22. 33. The righteousness of faith says, the word is ________ you, in your heart and in your mouth
  23. 37. What is one plus one?