Romanticism & Transcendentalism
- 4. Rs were interested in the strange, mysterious, and this
- 8. Ts believed that God was a ______ spirit in all things
- 9. Ts did not believe in the ______ of Christ
- 11. Rs were concerned about the impact of science and _______
- 13. Ts believed that natural facts _______ spiritual facts
- 15. Rs preferred _______ over reason, intuition over facts
- 17. Rs were inspired by folklore and _______
- 1. Rs examined inner _______
- 2. Ts did not believe in original sin, but thought the self is _______
- 3. Ts felt that consistency was narrow-minded, you can _______ your views anytime
- 5. Ts distrusted "Progress" as the _______ of nature
- 6. Feeling of terror and awe at something powerful in nature
- 7. Ts believed Church was an unnecessary _______ between God and people
- 10. Ts encouraged people to go with their _______
- 12. Rs thought simple, _______ people were innocent and happy
- 14. Ts encouraged you to follow your own _______ no matter what society says
- 16. Ts believed we learn about God and ourselves through _______