
  1. 1. a place where ideas are exchanged
  2. 5. Persian ruler around 445 bc
  3. 6. the plebians that could veto
  4. 7. chaos
  5. 8. annual sporting event
  6. 14. poeple who control the rome population
  7. 15. upper class
  8. 16. beilief in multiple gods
  9. 18. the male head of the household
  1. 2. beilief in one god
  2. 3. rich buisness men
  3. 4. rome fighting formation
  4. 9. dead language from spain
  5. 10. play where they made fun of politicians
  6. 11. greek city-state
  7. 12. spartan fighting formation
  8. 13. boat powered by 300 men used to ram other boats
  9. 16. lower class
  10. 17. Rome presidents used to balance each other