Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Crossword

  1. 4. The first person to find Juliet dead was _____.
  2. 6. When the Friar says "Come, is the bride ready to go to church?" it is an example of what literary device?
  3. 8. Rebuke or force something
  4. 9. What event are the Capulets preparing for?
  5. 10. What does Lady Capulet tell the Nurse to go get at the beginning of scene 4?
  6. 11. Who is the Roman goddess of love?
  7. 12. A prayer.
  8. 14. By the end of the act, does Paris know that Juliet is dead?
  9. 15. Who does Juliet run into when she goes to consult Friar Lawrence
  1. 1. Juliet would rather drive a _____ into her chest than marry Paris.
  2. 2. Juliet told Lord Capulet she was going to _______.
  3. 3. In Shakespeare's time, this word meant the time that fires should be put out by
  4. 5. How many cooks does Sir Capulet want hired?
  5. 6. Juliet is afraid that the Friar gave her a _____ instead of a potion.
  6. 7. The curfew bell rings at _____ o'clock.
  7. 13. Who does Juliet think she sees the ghost of in scene 3?