Romeo and Juliet- Background Notes [Benjamin Zeren]
- 2. ______ Theater
- 3. Main Character From The Capulet Family
- 6. ___________ over originality
- 7. Creator of this Version of the story/play
- 8. Poorest people in the theater were know as ___________
- 11. Main Character From The Montague Family
- 13. Acting companies were made of only ___________
- 14. Wife of Shakespeare
- 15. Name of the play
- 16. Type of play romeo and juliet is
- 1. Smallest amount of money needed to see a play
- 4. how long plays lasted
- 5. Birthplace of Shakespeare
- 9. Play group shakespeare was in_____
- 10. In the globe theater there was no ___________
- 12. Bad plays got __________ thrown at them