Romeo & Juliet Act 4 and 5 Vocab

  1. 5. Open to multiple interpretations
  2. 6. Disagreement between people; argument
  3. 8. A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
  4. 10. Juliet is laid on a _________ to be taken to her funeral.
  5. 11. Studying vocab words can be considered __________.
  6. 15. Where Romeo bought his poison.
  1. 1. To trick or decieve
  2. 2. Many saints are this vocabulary word.
  3. 3. Juliet keeps her potion in a small ______.
  4. 4. What students do when they leave Mr.Caps class.
  5. 7. To find comfort in a time of grief is to find __________.
  6. 9. To regard with intense hatred
  7. 12. To perceive; to recognize; to detect
  8. 13. Soldiers and firefighters need to have this.
  9. 14. Friar Lawrence often has to ___________ a plan for Romeo and Juliet.