Roots 1-10 Review Puzzle 3

  1. 2. complaining,malcontent
  2. 5. limited, has an end
  3. 9. fire starter, mental disorder
  4. 11. to question forcefully
  5. 12. people born in same time period
  6. 17. fireworks
  7. 20. privilege, special right
  8. 21. infectious, communicable
  9. 22. male leader
  10. 24. obtain,receive
  11. 25. to begin
  12. 26. married woman
  1. 1. Earth heat
  2. 3. in the air, flying
  3. 4. official investigation
  4. 6. to pump air into something
  5. 7. led by women
  6. 8. extremely small, miniscule
  7. 10. jargon, special vocabulary
  8. 13. pleasant
  9. 14. audience member, watcher
  10. 15. hereditary
  11. 16. visible through microscope
  12. 18. impressive or shocking show
  13. 19. a touchable quality
  14. 23. first, beginning