Rosa Parks

  1. 2. What did she fight for?
  2. 5. A word that describes Rosa Park very well
  3. 7. What wouldn't she give up? (one word)
  4. 8. When you refuse to buy a product?
  5. 10. Which town did she got arrested in?
  6. 11. The schools best teacher
  7. 12. What colour is Rosa Parks?
  8. 13. Surname of the bus driver
  9. 15. Another word for a lawyer
  1. 1. The organisation she was involved in
  2. 3. Which month did the incident take place?
  3. 4. Which year was she arrested? (one word)
  4. 6. When you’re positive about something
  5. 9. Who arrested her?
  6. 14. what did she felt when the other blacks didn’t support her in the bus?