Rosa Parks

  1. 5. unscramble: rtsare
  2. 7. unscramble: mesnatihsu
  3. 8. From the text: I could be ____ or beaten.
  4. 9. people who work to achieve a social goal
  5. 10. unscramble: lvcii stgrih
  6. 12. unscramble: noitepti
  7. 13. to break, infringe or transgress
  8. 14. From the text: The more we gave in and ____, the worse they treated us
  1. 1. to not accept
  2. 2. From the text: I knew they needed a ____ who was beyond reproach
  3. 3. unscramble: ttcyobo
  4. 4. overflowing
  5. 6. the state in which whites and African Americans were seperated
  6. 11. blame/fault