Rosemary and Luz

  1. 1. What do Luz and Rose collect?
  2. 5. How many siblings do Rose and Luz each have?
  3. 6. Most recent outing?
  4. 10. Month Rose proposed
  5. 11. Do the girls prefer sunset or sunrise?
  6. 14. Luz's favorite Disney princess
  7. 16. Luz's favorite color
  8. 17. The other Naruto character Rose has a tattoo of
  9. 18. Rose's favorite football team
  10. 20. The girl's dream vacation
  11. 21. What boardgame do the girls both enjoy?
  1. 2. State where they had their first vacacion together
  2. 3. How many tattoos does Rose have?
  3. 4. Rose's middle name
  4. 7. How many tattoos does Luz have?
  5. 8. Luz's middle name
  6. 9. What Naruto clan does Luz have on her ankle
  7. 11. Does Luz prefer scary or funny movies?
  8. 12. What was Rose and Luz's prom color?
  9. 13. What midnight movie premier did the girls see? (Avengers)
  10. 15. Rose's favorite Disney character
  11. 19. Rose and Luz have the same gaming console