Rosh Hashanah

  1. 1. Special prayer book
  2. 4. Common Greeting
  3. 6. Three 1-second notes rising in tone
  4. 8. The final shofar blast in a set
  5. 9. Rosh Hashanah can never start on a ________, Friday or Sunday
  6. 10. A series of short notes
  7. 11. Dipping ______ in honey for a sweat New Year
  8. 12. Hebrew month of the New Year
  9. 13. Ram's horn
  1. 2. The Jewish New Year
  2. 3. Ashkenazi Jews use this to symbolize the Yidish word "merren" which also means more
  3. 5. Casting off of sins
  4. 7. Symbolic of plenty
  5. 8. Three second sustained note