
  1. 2. the club Ross supports
  2. 4. a magazine
  3. 7. a building that is attended by the children of drumcliffe
  4. 8. shouted when something passes between the bottom two limbs of the body
  5. 13. a series Ross recently started to enjoy
  6. 14. gust of air that comes from the behind and is usually very stinky when it comes to Ross
  7. 15. Ross's favourite sport
  8. 16. the most favourited sci-fi in the house
  9. 18. a nickname Rían has given to a meal Ross eats every day just because he doesn't like it
  10. 19. a phrase frequently said in a deep voice by Ross
  11. 20. an app used to connect with his teachers
  1. 1. an electronic device that is very enjoyable but takes up time on the weekends
  2. 3. a team of fictional beings that have saved the universe time and time again
  3. 5. brown food
  4. 6. a small green being that we recently learned the name of
  5. 9. a brand of collectables Ross has started gathering
  6. 10. when it comes to Christmas all of these movies tend to be watched by Ross and Gemma one night after another
  7. 11. a game Ross says he enjoys as much as Rían enjoy COD
  8. 12. a white food demolished by Mr Ross
  9. 17. circular biscuit