
  1. 2. Every morning between 8 AND 3
  2. 3. Something you need to do beafore rating or you couldn't eat
  3. 4. With hour feets
  4. 7. You do it after a shower to look pretty
  5. 9. from hour ver after sleeping
  6. 11. Where you watch Netflix or Televison shows
  7. 12. Books & knowlege
  8. 13. Food , esencial for the body
  1. 1. What i like to do with the ukelele
  2. 3. to my friends friends AND a phone
  3. 4. Letters AND pencil
  4. 5. Is esencial for living
  5. 6. with wáter after waking up
  6. 8. after a shower white clothes
  7. 10. What i like to do with mi friends