RP AAPI Month Crossword

  1. 4. Who was the first Asian American, to represent Hawaii, in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1959 to 1963? Last name only.
  2. 6. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is a Palme d'Or winning film from what country?
  3. 8. What is the only country in the world that has banned chewing gum?
  4. 10. The tallest mountain in Asia straddles the border between China and _____.
  5. 12. Which country has the largest religious monument in the world?
  6. 17. In the 18th century, which Asian/Pacific Islander group was the first to settle in the U.S.?
  7. 18. Jidaigeki is a film genre depicting the ___ period of Japanese history.
  8. 19. What country considers Gross National Happiness is their primary guiding principle, above pure economic growth?
  9. 20. The artist Joji had a past Youtube persona by the name of Filthy _____.
  10. 21. Who was the first Asian American man to win an Olympic gold medal for the United States? First name only.
  1. 1. _____ is the Asian country known as the Land of Smiles
  2. 2. Salaam is a traditional greeting in what region of Asia?
  3. 3. Which country produces the most mangoes in the world?
  4. 5. What tiny country, known to its inhabitants as Druk Yul, is sandwiched between China and India?
  5. 7. _____'s film industry is the largest in the world in terms of output.
  6. 9. What was the first non-English-language film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture?
  7. 11. Mount ____ is the highest point in Japan.
  8. 13. Who was the first Asian American woman to serve in the U.S. Congress? Last name only
  9. 14. Which Japanese American author wrote the award-winning novel "The Buddha in the Attic" in 2011? Last name only.
  10. 15. The world`s largest cave is located in what country?
  11. 16. Who is the current Prime Minister of India? Last name only.