RTE2385 Module 2 Crossword

  1. 3. An incoming x-ray photon has__________ energy
  2. 6. A transmission type that happens when some x-ray photons travel across or thorough a patient without interacting
  3. 8. Electromagnetic waves that contain full range of frequencies and wavelengths
  4. 9. interactions that occur within x-ray photon and inner shell electron of an atom
  5. 12. Components of an atom which are electrically neutral
  6. 14. As a consequence of a nuclear weapons testing and chemical explosions in nuclear power plants radiation is produced
  7. 15. does not imply a radiation risk it is used as a means for comparison
  8. 16. Electric and magnetic fields fluctuate rapidly when they travel through space. This includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light and x-rays
  9. 17. Extraterrestrial radiation
  10. 19. Compton scatter results in___________ scatter
  11. 20. This radiation can be found invariable amounts within the Earth’s crust
  12. 22. Number of protons that are within the nucleus of an atom
  13. 23. X-ray photon interacts with a loosely bonded outer shell electron of an atom
  14. 24. In the process of ___________ scattering, the wavelength of both incident and scatter waves are the same, no net energy has been absorbed by the Adam
  15. 25. nuclear power plant that exploded in 1986 in the Ukraine
  16. 27. These are fields that fluctuate rapidly as they travel through space in the form of the wave
  17. 28. A category of ionizing radiation which includes Alpha and Beta
  18. 29. Pair production and_____________ do not occur within the range of diagnostic radiology
  19. 30. Medical radiation exposure is from the use of diagnostic _________
  20. 31. The positively charged components of an atom
  21. 32. Acronym used for as low as reasonably achievable
  1. 1. Natural sources of ionizing radiation that increase because of accidental or because of deliberate human actions such as mining
  2. 2. Type of ionizing radiation with the energy above 10 eV
  3. 4. When electromagnetic energy is transferred to be Adam of the patients biological material
  4. 5. These rays results from nuclear interactions that had taken place in and the sun and other stars
  5. 7. Radioactive elements that are long-lived and present and variable quantities in the Earth’s crust
  6. 10. High speed of electrons that are identical except for the fact that they are admitted from the nuclei of radioactive atoms instead of stemming in the atomic shells
  7. 11. Made up of two protons and two neutrons
  8. 13. Takes into account the dose of all types of ionizing radiation to radiated organs or tissues within the human body.
  9. 18. As a result of photoelectric interaction between an x-ray photon And an atom radiation is released
  10. 21. This type of interaction occurs when energy of an incoming photon is altered into two new particles, a negatron and a positron
  11. 26. Radiation exposure received by a radiographer while working in the Department performing normal duties