  1. 2. Preventing someone information that may be viewed as harmful from being seen from the public.
  2. 3. A kind of warfare that is virtual.
  3. 6. A form of testing a network, database, firewall, etc.
  4. 8. Virus that collects passwords, deletes files, and effects millions of computers world wide, usually attacking government agencies/big corporations.
  5. 13. A way into a system without having to go through the standard protocols.
  6. 14. Currently, this person is called a _____ because they are trying to steal information via the internet and break into company or personal computer(s), database(s), etc.
  7. 16. A form of authenticating who you are, by using ones body part.
  8. 18. A kind of software that looks like the real software you are trying to download, however is actually malware.
  9. 19. A software that is attached to other software, program, picture, etc., that tends to replicates itself.
  1. 1. Something that you access on the internet, a page of sorts.
  2. 3. A group of people and how they work together as a society.
  3. 4. Someone that is using a computer is called a what?
  4. 5. In order to authenticate oneself on the internet the website might have you use ____ authentication in order to better security and verify who you are.
  5. 7. A kind of malware that does not need to attach itself to another software, but uses exploits in a system to gain access.
  6. 9. A kind of software that you need to use in order to use a computer (is booted up automatically when turning on a computer), i.e. Windows, Unix, Linux.
  7. 10. A way of hiding information that you do not want someone knowing, if intercepted.
  8. 11. The conduct of a persons character and obligations to others.
  9. 12. A kind of rule that is usually made up the government to try and keep the peace (for the most part).
  10. 15. A form of stealing that usually involves impersonating someone or something.
  11. 17. This is a software or could be a hardware, like a firewall, that looks at incoming transmissions and files to see if they are harmful.