RU ITEC411 Chapter 7

  1. 2. To invent a need for a product
  2. 5. to not use threats to get your way
  3. 7. to be against the change technology brings
  4. 11. both uninformed and impressionable
  5. 13. reliance on computer systems over human judgment
  6. 14. embraces the change technology brings as a good
  7. 16. ratings by public of web site
  8. 17. no longer determined by a central party
  9. 20. just because anyone can contribute normally only those who should do
  10. 21. making assumptions on reality to make predictions
  11. 22. how do we get more users from areas that don't have a lot of technology
  1. 1. something that causes people to no longer interact with their neighbors
  2. 3. to guess what will happen based on prior knowledge
  3. 4. the lack of an ability to interact with society if you lack something
  4. 6. Children
  5. 8. an interaction that makes that encourages one group to treat the other less like a human
  6. 9. to be against the change the web brings
  7. 10. new technology only available to less and less people
  8. 12. the amount of collaborators contributing to the information
  9. 15. a model made from data a calculations
  10. 18. To issue of having to expand a technology to areas that aren't friendly to it
  11. 19. technology taking the value away from a job