Ryleigh S. WWI and After

  1. 4. A description for the star of David.
  2. 6. Countries used many different --- to hurt the enemy.
  3. 8. --- --- was a famous scientist that came from Germany and told the Americans how to split an atom.
  4. 9. --- countries fought during WWI.
  5. 11. A term for treating someone poorly for who they are and what they look like.
  6. 15. This man was assassinated along with his pregnant wife.
  7. 16. Anti --- the newest name for treating Jews poorly.
  8. 18. The --- Laws were created to stop Jews from doing different things such as sitting on a park bench
  1. 1. A Jew can not marry a --- ---.
  2. 2. The --- allowed Jews to be abused.
  3. 3. Believing that your country is the best.
  4. 5. Countries can be very --- when it comes to collecting resources.
  5. 7. --- million people died during WWI
  6. 9. This treaty was created to punish Germany for their actions.
  7. 10. When 6 countries split into 2 groups to keep the peace.
  8. 12. Factories creating products, making weapons.
  9. 13. Germany --- war on Russia after arguing about an assassination.
  10. 14. Germany had to pay --- for their actions.
  11. 17. Germany could not build a --- to defend themselves due to their recent actions.