SA Jg 3

  1. 4. natural disaster: very strong winds (h…)
  2. 9. she was ________ in the car crash. her leg is broken
  3. 12. he __________ the tsunami, he is still alive
  4. 13. to make something better
  5. 14. natural disaster: when there is no rain for a very long time
  6. 15. natural disaster: when a lot of snow comes down the mountain
  7. 16. out i have a problem, but i can ____ ____ the solution
  8. 17. entwickeln
  1. 1. i want you to pay ______when i’m speaking
  2. 2. up you’re a teenager. when you _____ ___, you will be an adult
  3. 3. natural disaster: when the ground shakes
  4. 5. i am not ________ to get a tattoo
  5. 6. it’s not expensive, it’s very ______
  6. 7. etwas erfinden
  7. 8. an ______ is someone who creates new things
  8. 10. columbus _______-ed america
  9. 11. a natural _______ is a big catastrophe