Sabbath Day (Isaiah 58: 13 - 14)

  1. 1. for the ______ of the Lord hath spoken it.
  2. 4. nor finding thine ____ pleasure,
  3. 5. and shalt _______ him,
  4. 6. and call the sabbath a _______, the holy of the Lord, honourable
  5. 8. not doing thine own ____,
  6. 10. from doing thy _________ on my holy day;
  1. 2. and feed thee with the __________ of Jacob thy father:
  2. 3. nor speaking thine own _____:
  3. 5. and I will cause thee to ride upon the _____ places of the earth,
  4. 7. Then shalt thou delight _______ in the Lord;
  5. 9. If thou turn away thy foot from the _______,