  1. 3. standard of proof in criminal cases
  2. 5. person who initiates criminal cases
  3. 7. cases that should be tried in front of jury
  4. 9. example of penalty that restrict a person's liberty
  5. 11. one of the element that need to be proven for criminal cases
  6. 12. claims for economic loss that can be quantified in dollar terms
  7. 14. legal liability placed on a person or organization for the tort of negligence committed by an employee
  1. 1. standard of proof in civil cases
  2. 2. outcome in civil cases
  3. 4. this kind offences do not require the prosecution to prove the mental element
  4. 6. person who initiates civil cases
  5. 8. regulates relationship between private individuals
  6. 10. claims for non-economic loss that cannot be quantified in dollar terms
  7. 13. outcome in criminal cases