  1. 5. coming of any important figure
  2. 6. refers to catastrophic violence/disasters
  3. 7. religious groups that look forward to prepare for the end of the world
  4. 9. religious groups that expect Rev 20 to occur
  5. 11. cosmic event expected in the future
  6. 12. uncovering of something that has always been true
  7. 13. place where the final battle is to occur
  1. 1. teachings about end of time or futur world beyond
  2. 2. social movements that expect end of world
  3. 3. belief that world history is divided into eras
  4. 4. any one thousand year period
  5. 5. conveying Gods message to the people
  6. 8. expectation that faithful christians will be taken off earth to live with jesus
  7. 10. 7 year period of great suffering before second coming of Jesus