Sacred Scripture Unit 1 Review Puzzle

  1. 1. The principal language of the OT
  2. 3. King _____ united the Kingdom of Israel around 1000 B.C.
  3. 6. Number of books in the part of the OT called the Torah
  4. 9. The Law, the Torah, or the _____.
  5. 10. The Christian belief that the books of the Bible have real human authors, but also have God as their author
  6. 12. Traditional author of the Torah
  7. 13. The collection of books considered by the Church to be inspired by God is called the _____ of Sacred Scripture.
  8. 15. In order to understand a passage from the Bible, it is very important to first ask what literary _____ the passage is.
  9. 17. The NT contains twenty-_____ books.
  1. 2. The _____ Exile began in 587 B.C.
  2. 4. The great patriarch of the Israelite people who lived around 1800 B.C.
  3. 5. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, Deuteronomy
  4. 7. Stages of Biblical Development: Oral Tradition, Written Tradition, and _____
  5. 8. A Catholic OT contains _____-six books.
  6. 11. Parts of the OT: the Law, the Historical Books, the Wisdom and Poetry Books, the _____
  7. 14. The Old Testament can also be called the _____ Scriptures
  8. 16. The language of the NT