Sacred Scripture Unit 1 Review Puzzle
- 1. The principal language of the OT
- 3. King _____ united the Kingdom of Israel around 1000 B.C.
- 6. Number of books in the part of the OT called the Torah
- 9. The Law, the Torah, or the _____.
- 10. The Christian belief that the books of the Bible have real human authors, but also have God as their author
- 12. Traditional author of the Torah
- 13. The collection of books considered by the Church to be inspired by God is called the _____ of Sacred Scripture.
- 15. In order to understand a passage from the Bible, it is very important to first ask what literary _____ the passage is.
- 17. The NT contains twenty-_____ books.
- 2. The _____ Exile began in 587 B.C.
- 4. The great patriarch of the Israelite people who lived around 1800 B.C.
- 5. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, Deuteronomy
- 7. Stages of Biblical Development: Oral Tradition, Written Tradition, and _____
- 8. A Catholic OT contains _____-six books.
- 11. Parts of the OT: the Law, the Historical Books, the Wisdom and Poetry Books, the _____
- 14. The Old Testament can also be called the _____ Scriptures
- 16. The language of the NT