
  1. 2. A top cause of accidents in our division comes from this.
  2. 5. Fill in the blank, to prevent injury it is always important to use the ______ tool for the job.
  3. 6. Do you need to tell your DM the day an accident/injury occurs?
  4. 8. Is it safe to stand on the top rung of a ladder?
  5. 9. What is the acronym for personal protection equipment?
  6. 11. By following proper lifting guidelines you can avoid this type of injury.
  1. 1. What percent of accidents are caused by unsafe behavior?
  2. 2. What should you always put "first" when working on a project?
  3. 3. What should you wear to prevent hearing loss?
  4. 4. What should you wear on your hands to protect them from injury when cutting locks?
  5. 7. Besides your DM, who do you need to call if you are injured at work?
  6. 10. What should you wear on your face when you work with others?
  7. 12. What type of hazard should you always be looking for when walking your property?