
  1. 1. What is forbidden in the lab?
  2. 2. Unit of current
  3. 3. Safety color green means
  4. 4. Class A extinguisher is used for
  5. 6. Keeping tools, machines and the work environment in the best possible condition
  6. 9. Visible hazard that could become dangerous if combined with other events.
  7. 13. When working in a school lab, wearing a safety ___ is required by law
  8. 14. Identifying and correcting hazardous situations
  9. 15. Type of hazard that is visible and presents an immediate danger
  10. 17. What causes the most number of accidents?
  11. 19. Who to call when the fire can't be extinguished in 15 seconds?
  12. 21. What should we follow in a lab?
  13. 22. Color used for danger
  14. 23. Ordinary dry chemical can be used to extinguish this
  1. 1. Safety color purple meaning
  2. 3. What kills more than fire?
  3. 5. Color used for warning
  4. 7. Safety color yellow meaning
  5. 8. How should we keep the work area?
  6. 10. Hazardous situation related to a person's attitude
  7. 11. What can be prevented?
  8. 12. Dangerous situation that can cause an accident
  9. 16. Class C extinguisher is used for
  10. 17. Plain water can be used to extinguish this
  11. 18. Fire Extinguishers can last for 15
  12. 20. Safety color blue means