Safety Contract Crossword

  1. 2. Use extreme caution when using matches, a burner, or hot plate. Do not put anything into a _______ unless specifically instructed to do so.
  2. 3. Follow all written and verbal _______ carefully.
  3. 6. ______ all work areas and equipment at the end of the experiment.
  4. 7. Wash your hands with soa and water ______ leaving the science room.
  5. 8. Long hair must be tied _____.
  6. 10. Report any accident, injury, or hazardous condition to the ______ immediately.
  7. 11. Keep your work area ______. Bring only what you need to the lab area.
  8. 13. No ______ or baggy clothing.
  9. 14. Always carry a microscope with ______ hands.
  10. 15. Consider all chemicals used in the science room to be _______.
  11. 17. Always cut ______ from your body.
  12. 18. ______ eat, drink, chew gum, or taste anything in the science room.
  13. 19. Follow instructions to dispose of any _______ materials generated during an experiment.
  1. 1. Learn where the ______ equipment is located and how to use it.
  2. 4. Never open storage cabinets or enter the ______ ______ without permission from the teacher.
  3. 5. Do not remove chemicals, equipment, supplies, or animals from the _______ ______ without permission from the teacher.
  4. 9. Handle all _______ with care and respect.
  5. 12. Hot ______ looks like cool _______.
  6. 16. Wear safety _____ when in the lab.