  1. 2. Hazardous symbol of chemical substances
  2. 3. Close friends if working at KILN
  3. 5. COVID-19 is a .......
  4. 8. wash your hands for ...... seconds
  5. 10. Ingredients that can cause cancer
  6. 14. Hazard control for energy source
  7. 15. Information on chemical substances is here
  8. 16. Need to report here if injury occurs and sick leave more than 4 days
  9. 17. 3-point-contact should be done if handling......
  10. 18. Adapting workplace with humans
  11. 20. Remove class B and C fires
  1. 1. Practice ...... to deal with Covid-19
  2. 4. This is our safety philosophy
  3. 6. This step should be done if hazard cannot be discarded
  4. 7. The most effective hazard control
  5. 9. "..luckily, a little bit fall to my head..."
  6. 11. do not block
  7. 12. Should be worn while working in high places
  8. 13. Oxigen, heat, fuel
  9. 19. In a new norm, avoid ...... area